HDSA Sheriff Gore Update
Greeting Members,

As many of you know, Undersheriff Michael Barnett retired after 29 years of service to our Department and to the people of San Diego County. Michael’s effective retirement date was November 20, 2020, but he agreed to remain on my team while we dealt with significant challenges, from the pandemic to widespread civil unrest and highly charged national, state, and local elections. Michael officially left his role as Undersheriff on February 25, 2021.
It was an honor to announce his replacement and the historical appointment of our department’s first female Undersheriff, Kelly Martinez, on February 26, 2021. I’m sure many of you have previously worked with Kelly while she filled the roll as the Department’s HDSA liaison.
Kelly joined the Sheriff’s Department as a deputy in 1985 and was assigned to the Las Colinas and Descanso Detention Facilities. In 1988, Kelly was assigned to the Fallbrook Substation where she worked as a patrol deputy. She was later assigned to investigations and worked narcotics, gangs, and several intelligence related assignments. Her strong leadership skills, hard work, and self-motivation were just a few of the qualities that led to her being promoted to sergeant in 2007. Over the next several years, while serving in a variety of assignments with increasing responsibility, Kelly was promoted to the ranks of lieutenant, captain, commander, and eventually Assistant Sheriff in 2017. I have no doubt she will fulfill the role of Undersheriff with exceptional professionalism and guide us through the ever-changing pandemic climate with poise and fortitude.
Following Kelly’s promotion, Commander Dave Brown, another former HDSA liaison, was promoted to the rank of Assistant Sheriff. Dave joined the Department in 1991. He began his career at the Vista Detention Facility and then moved to patrol at the Vista Patrol Station in 1994. During his service at the Vista Patrol Station, Dave played a significant leadership role as a field training officer, a neighborhood policing team deputy, and as an area investigator. Dave promoted to sergeant in 2003, lieutenant in 2010, and to captain in 2015.
In March 2020, Dave was promoted to commander. He has diligently overseen the Department's patrol operations in the Law Enforcement Services Bureau since his promotion. Dave has been a leader in several significant events since starting his career with the Sheriff’s Department. In 2003 as a sergeant, Dave
was essential in the Cedar Fire response which burned 273,246 acres of land and killed 15 citizens in San Diego County. Dave was also vital in his role as the homicide sergeant during the unit’s investigation of the Chelsea King and Amber Dubois homicides. Most recently, Dave provided critical support and decisive leadership during the recent rioting in the city of La Mesa. Dave brings invaluable experience to this department and will continue to excel in his new role as Assistant Sheriff.
The final promotion to highlight is Lieutenant Matt Glisson who was recently promoted to captain. Matt left his roll as the HDSA liaison in August 2020 to work as the Narcotics Task Force’s lieutenant. Matt joined the department in 1997 and began working at the San Diego Central Jail and eventually transferred to the Vista Patrol Station where he worked as a patrol deputy. Following his time in patrol, Matt gained investigative experience working the San Marcos Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Unit (COPPS), the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Unit (HIDTA), and the Regional Auto Theft Task Force Unit (RATT). Matt promoted to sergeant in 2011 and lieutenant in 2017. Matt will assume his new role as captain by overseeing operations in our Narcotics and Gang Division.
This year has already brought us significant changes and I’m proud of the men and women of the sheriff’s Department who have navigated through some of the most challenging times experienced by law enforcement. I have no doubt that the recent promotions will bring to the positions exceptional work ethic and commitment to the mission of the Department.
Thank you to the members of the Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association for your continued support of our mission. I look forward to our partnership in 2021.
Bill Gore, Sheriff