Thank you for inquiring about becoming an active member of the Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s ssociation(HDSA).
Today, the Sheriff’s Department is not just embarking on an unprecedented modernization and improvement program, it is renewing its partnership with the entire community by building trust and confidence once again.
You can play a vital role in that effort.
Founded in 1974, the Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association is a prestigious organization of business and community leaders as well as individuals dedicated to supporting law enforcement countywide. As a non-profit and non-political orgnaziation, the HDSA is unique as an ally of the Sheriff’s Department and the county’s nine police departments.
All its members are personally commissioned by the Sheriff, but the HDSA itself is governed by the membership and their duly elected Board of Directors. The by-laws set limits for membership at 1,000 as well as the conditions of membership, dues, and other matters.
While the HDSA operates much like service clubs such as Kiwanis or Rotary, it never loses sight of its primary mission. Important HDSA programs include: Law enforcement training activities, providing equipment and training facilities for law enforcement agencies throughout San Diego County, and awards a handgun certificate to the top shooter graduating from the San Diego Regional Law Enforcement Training Center.
The HDSA also constructed the Tactical Training Facility, a Canine Training Course, and S.W.A.T. Obstacle Course at the Sheriff’s MCAS Miramar site. Most recently, the HDSA helped fund a new training facility at Otay Mesa and Sheriff’s Museum in Old Town. These important facilities, worth millions of dollars, serve all law enforcement agencies in San Diego and were constructed without cost to the taxpayers. The HDSA also purchased law enforcement training and safety equipment the Sheriff’s Department could not otherwise afford, as well as providing funds for management and technology training for all local agencies.
The total membership meets at least quarterly, has a great time, gets “insider” briefings on what is really happening in criminal justice, and enjoys knowing that they are indispensable to our mission of protecting the citizens and providing for public safety.
If you would like to commit to being an active participant of this dedicated and prestigious organization, complete this application, obtain your letters of reference, and contact the Membership Committee to learn even more about the HDSA—a very special group of your fellow citizens.
Board of Directors
San Diego Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association